i’m Watch code to read the accelerometer

I figured out how to read and write the i2c bus on the imWatch so I can now sample at whatever rate I’d like. This tarball includes code that should work upto 200Hz without overloading the processor.

Faster rates should be possible but it would mean getting the FIFO in the accelerometer working and then backdating the samples.

Building the JNI

I’m not going to detail how to use a JNI within an Android project. there are plenty of other tutorials out there.

From the tarball put “akkea-jni.c” and “Android.mk” into the jni directory of your android >project. Then run


You should get output similar to below.

Compile thumb : akkea-jni <= akkea-jni.c
SharedLibrary : libakkea-jni.so
Install : libakkea-jni.so => libs/armeabi/libakkea-jni.so

Using the Accelerometer JNI code

Add these native prototypes and constants to your android code.

public native int readAccel( SeismoVector vector, int fd, long startTime );
public native int openI2c( String path );
public native void closeI2c( int fileHandle );
public native int i2cReadReg( int file, int addr, int reg);
public native int i2cWriteReg( int file, int addr, int reg, int val);

int i2cHandle;
final byte ACCEL_I2C_ADDR = 25;
final int ACCEL_RATE_OFF = 0;
final int ACCEL_RATE_1HZ = 1 << 4;
final int ACCEL_RATE_10HZ = 2 << 4;
final int ACCEL_RATE_25HZ = 3 << 4;
final int ACCEL_RATE_50HZ = 4 << 4;
final int ACCEL_RATE_100HZ = 5 << 4;
final int ACCEL_RATE_200HZ = 6 << 4;
final int ACCEL_RATE_400HZ = 7 << 4;
final int ACCEL_RATE_1_6KHZ = 8 << 4;
final int ACCEL_RATE_5KHZ = 9 << 4;

The I2C bus and accelerometer need to be setup

public boolean openI2C() {

    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod 777 /dev/i2c-0");
  } catch (IOException e) {

  i2cHandle = openI2c( "/dev/i2c-0" );

  if( i2cHandle <= 0 )
    return false;

  int[] arr = new int[4];
  for( int i=0; i<128; i++ ) {
    arr[0] = i2cReadReg( i2cHandle, ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, i );
    if( arr[0] != 0 )
      Log.d(TAG, "Register " + String.valueOf( i ) + " = " + String.valueOf( arr[0] ));

  int val;
  val = i2cReadReg( i2cHandle, ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, 0x20 );
  val = ( val & 0x0F );

  switch( HZ ) {
    case 1:
      val |= ACCEL_RATE_1HZ;
    case 10:
      val |= ACCEL_RATE_10HZ;
    case 25:
      val |= ACCEL_RATE_25HZ;
    case 100:
      val |= ACCEL_RATE_100HZ;
    case 200:
      val |= ACCEL_RATE_200HZ;
    case 400:
      val |= ACCEL_RATE_400HZ;
    case 1600:
      val |= ACCEL_RATE_1_6KHZ;

  i2cWriteReg( i2cHandle, ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, 0x20, val );

  val = i2cReadReg( i2cHandle, ACCEL_I2C_ADDR, 0x20 );
  Log.d(TAG, "Register Rate " + String.valueOf( val ));

  return true;

I then use a TimerTask to read the accelerometer at whatever rate I want.

class sensorTask extends TimerTask {
    public void run() {
      long time;

      if( index >= totalSamples ) {
        Log.d(TAG, "index past end of array");

      SeismoVector vector = new SeismoVector();

      time = readAccel( vector, i2cHandle, startTime );

      if( startTime == 0 )
        startTime = time;

      vectors[index++] = vector;


Hobby King X230 replacement parts

I purchased the X230 Quad copter kit from hobby king in December. I’ve been learning to fly it and in the process have been breaking parts.

Hobby king doesn’t sell replacement parts so I’ve been patching it up as I go along. Some of the pieces are getting too broken to be patched. I’ve created a DXF of the parts and I’m going to have them built out of carbon fibre for increased crash resistance đŸ™‚

Quad_designAt left is a 1:2 jpeg of the parts. If you’d like the DXF it’s here

If you’d like the SVG it’s here

Edit: I don’t recommend using carbon fibre to prototype this unless you have a laser cutter.